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Merge sheets

mergebutton Flashcard program only selects cards from one appropriately arranged sheet at a time. If one intends to select cards from multiple sheets, it is necessary to create a new sheet that amalgamates all the desired words.

Example: merge multiple lists for flashcards

Suppose a German-English language learner possesses multiple sheets of vocabulary, with each sheet containing a portion of the vocabulary that he/she has recorded. The source of the vocabulary utilized in the tutorial may be accessed through the following link, which has been provided by the Private Business School Frenzel.


Example: Words in multiple sheets

Upon selecting the Merge lists option from the Flash panel, the loaded table will display the names of all sheets contained within the current Spreadsheet. Please note that it is necessary to select a minimum of 2 sheets in order to proceed. Furthermore, each sheet must possess appropriate headers for the front and back sections, which should be located in the first row of the sheet and follow the same format as outlined in the Flash section.


Example: Sheet selection


After selecting the desired sheets, they will be merged into a single sheet, which will be named as Flashing List- followed by a numeric time stamp. The time stamp will be based on your local time and will be in the following order: day, month, year, hour, minute, second.

Supplementary information

  • Header - To ensure detection by the app, please specify the headers as front and back. The formatting of the header is not relevant.
  • Position - The layout of the sheet may vary; however, it is crucial to ensure that the headers are correctly specified in the first row of the sheet.